Surendranath College
Estd.1884; UGC and CU Affiliated; NAAC Accredited
ISO 9001:2015 Certified


  • The Association” means the Alumni Association of SURENDRANATH COLLEGE
  • The “General Body” means the General Body of the Association.
  • The “Governing Body” means the Executive Committee of the Association.
  • Alumnus means an ex-student of the College, who has obtained a degree/diploma from Surendranath College, Kolkata under University of Calcutta.
  • An “honorary member” means any person other than an Alumnus, who has been elected by the General Body of the Association.
  • The financial year of the Association shall be reckoned every year from 1st April to 31st March of the following year.
  • The Association may have Patrons as approved by the Governing Body, provided that a patron shall be an out-standing professional. Such appointment being for a period of one year.
  • The Principal of Surendranath College shall be an ex-officio Patron of the Alumni Association.
  • Any student who successfully obtains any degree/diploma from the College automatically becomes a Life member of the Association from the date of issue of the Result Notification granting the said degree/diploma on payment of the appropriate membership fees as described in Clause (C).
  • Any ex-student, members of the staff or ex-member of the staff of the Institute who does not fulfill the above condition as in (A) but who, on the recommendation of the Governing Body, is admitted by the Association on payment of the appropriate membership fees as prescribed in Clause 3(C).
  • The membership fee in respect of all the members defined in Clause (A) and 3(B) would be decided by mutual discussions in AGM every year. The mode of collection of the membership fees would be decided from time to time in mutual discussions in AGM every year.
Honourary Member
  • The Association, in the General Body on the recommendation of the Governing Body, may elect any person connected with the Institute or the Association, who is likely to promote the interests of the Association, as an Honorary Member for two years.
Membership Rights
  • All members and honorary members are entitled to receive all announcements etc. (as and when the usage of the internet becomes widespread, posting of such announcements on the website shall amount to their being received by the members) connected with the activities of the Association, the Alumni Newsletter, Annual Magazine and also participate in all social functions and other activities of the Association. All members will also be beneficiaries of any schemes or assistance programmes administered by the Association.
  • The following shall be the authorities of the Association.

i) The General Body

ii)The Governing Body

The method of selection of the office bearers and their roles are defined in subsequent paragraphs.

The General Body
  1. The General Body shall consist of all the members of the Association as defined in Clause Membership and Honourary Member.
  2. The General Body shall consider the President’s report of the past year’s activities, the president-elect’s budget and plan of activities for the next year, approval of accounts, election of members of the Governing Body, appointment of auditors, legal advisors and any other matters arising from time to time.
  3. The General Body shall meet on the last Saturday of April unless the change is notified to the members well in advance. This meeting referred to as the Annual General Meeting, Presided over by the senior most member present, shall statutorily consider the following:

i)Approval of previous year’s minutes of AGM.

ii)Approval of previous year’s accounts.

iii)Election of the members of the Governing Body.

iv)Election of the President.

v)Appointment of Auditors.

vi)Appointment of legal advisors.

  1. The Honorary Secretary shall, upon being requested in writing by the Governing Body or by at least 15 members of the Association, call an extraordinary meeting of the General Body for which at least 2 weeks notice along with agenda shall be circulated to all the members.
  2. The quorum for the General Body shall be 40 members present in person. In case the quorum is not complete, the President shall adjourn the meeting and reconvene it after 30 minutes, at which time, the members present will constitute the quorum and there will be no minimum requirement.
  3. All the resolutions put to vote at the General Body shall be decided by a majority vote (unless otherwise provided) on a show of hands. In case of equality of votes the `Presiding Officer` shall have the casting vote.
  4. In case the Governing Body is satisfied that a member/honorary member have been working against the interests of the Association/the profession it may recommend the termination of the membership of the concerned member/honorary member to the general Body which shall have the powers to do so.
  5. The Governing Body shall have 15 elected members, who shall be elected to office for a 3-year term.
  6. The President of the AGM shall be the returning officer for the elections.
The Governing Body & The Office Bearers The affairs of the Association shall be managed and the funds administered by the Governing Body which shall consist of following members:-

  • All Office Bearers shall be elected/selected in the 1st meeting of the Governing Body

The Elected Office Bearers of the Governing Body shall be as follows:

  • The President: shall be elected in the AGM. He shall be an alumnus of at least 15 years standing.
  • Secretary: shall be elected by majority vote of the members of the Governing Body. He shall be an alumnus of at least 10 years standing.
  • Treasurer: shall be elected by majority vote of members of the Governing Body. He shall be an alumnus of at least 7 years standing.
  • Joint Secretary: shall be elected by majority vote of members of the Governing Body. He shall be an alumnus of at least 5 years standing.
  • Governing Body shall have the right to co-opt members and/or appoint sub-committees from amongst the General Body from time to time for an execution of specific assignments as required.
  • Any casual vacancy amongst the members of the Governing Body arising from death, resignation, and removal or otherwise may be filled by co-option by the Governing Body and the member so co-opted shall hold office for the balance term of the member being replaced. Such co-opted member shall be treated on par and have all the rights as enjoyed by the elected members
  • The Governing Body shall have the power to appoint from amongst the members of the General Body or from amongst its own members, Editor and other staff for the printing and publication of Brochures, Newsletters, Annual Magazine of the Association.
  • The quorum for the meeting of the Governing Body shall be eight members personally present.
  • The Governing Body shall manage the affairs of the Association by majority vote in the Committee Meeting provided that in case of equality of votes, the President shall have the casting vote.
  • The Governing Body shall meet at least six times a year. The Secretary shall issue the notice and the agenda of the meeting at least a week before the date fixed for the meeting. However, in case of urgent business, the meeting may be called at shorter notice.
  • The Governing Body shall be Executive Authority of the Association. It shall be responsible for all the finances and funds of the Association and shall give effect to the plans and programmes of the Association and shall have the authority to carry them out.
  • The property, movable, and immovable, belonging to the Association, shall be vested with the Governing Body.
  • The Governing Body may terminate the membership of any of its members, in case he fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the said Committee without the grant of leave of absence. However, the President may grant leave of absence to any member.

On or before the Fourteenth Day succeeding the day on which the Annual General Meeting of the General Body is held, a list shall be filled with the Registrar of Societies of West Bengal of the names, address and occupations of the members of the Governing Body.

The Secretary shall perform the following duties
  • To keep the Minutes of all meetings of the General Body and the Governing Body.
  • To carry out the directions of the General Body and the Governing Body.
  • To conduct correspondence on behalf of the Association.
  • To give notice of all meetings of the General Body and the Governing Body.
  • To exercise administrative control over the Central office of the Association.
  • To exercise all activities of the association throughout the year.
  • The Secretary shall seek the advice of the President in case a clarification of any kind is required.In the absence of the Secretary, the Jt. Secretary shall perform the functions of the Secretary.
  • The President shall preside over the meeting of the Governing Body. In absence of President the Vice-President will perform the job.
  • If a vacancy arises in the office of the President/Secretary/Treasurer, the Governing Body shall elect a new President/Secretary/Treasurer from amongst its own members who will hold office till the next General Body Meeting.
  • The Treasurer shall keep the books of accounts of the Association and report on these at each meeting of the Governing Body. He will collect all dues and claims on behalf of the Association and will also assist the President in ensuring that budgetary grants are correctly utilized. In addition, he will liaise with the bankers and the Auditors of the Association. He will be provided clerical assistance etc. by the Central office of the Association.
  • The Association may receive funds, donations, and financial assistance from any non-political source for the furtherance of its objective.
  • The Governing Body shall determine the expenditure, which is necessary to carry on the affairs of the Association and is authorized to incur such expenditure. In this connection, within 15 days of the Annual General Body meeting, a meeting of the Governing Body will be held in which a proforma of major activities for the coming year will be discussed and finalized, including budgetary allocation. Once the budget has been approved, the responsibility for proper utilization of funds will be that of the President. All investments will be ratified by the General Body at its next meeting.
  • All monies received on behalf of the Association shall be placed in the name of the “SURENDRANATH COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION” in an account to be maintained in a bank to be approved by the Governing Body. Any two of the President, Secretary and Treasurer will sign all cheques. All Expenditure more than Rs.50000/- shall have the prior approval in the Governing Body meeting.
    • Any provision/requirement of this constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those alumni members present and voting in General Body Meeting. The quorum for such a meeting will be 90 members. The proposal to amend the Constitution shall be at the instance of the Governing Body or on the signed requisition by at least 30 alumni.
    • Notice of the proposed amendments shall be furnished to the Secretary at-least 40 days before the date at which it is proposed to consider the amendments. Such a notice will contain details of the Rule(s) desired to be amended, the proposed text of the changed rule and the reason for seeking the amendment. The latter is meant as a guide for any deliberation at the General Body meeting. Upon the receipt of a requisition for amendment the Secretary shall issue notice to every alumni member for such meeting at-least 20 days before the scheduled date.
  • Amendments to the memorandum shall be made as per sec 8 & 9 of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961
  • In the event of dissolution of the Association is according to the procedure laid down in section 24, 25, 26, & 27 of ‘The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 (West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961 & West Bengal Societies Registration Rules 1963).