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Department of Botany
Brief History
Department of Botany is the oldest, post-Independence, department among biological sciences of the college. The department started its journey in 1947 with the General course in Undergraduate. The Botany Honours Course was introduced in 1959. Some of the eminent ex-teachers of this department – Prof. Atul Chandra Dutta, Prof. Kumud Sankar Das, Prof. Sachindra Nath Banerjee, Prof. Amal Mukherjee among many others.
Department of Botany has 2 ICT enabled classrooms, 2 well equipped laboratories, 2 projectors, a departmental seminar library with more than 650 Books, a rich and well maintained Museum with 128 specimens, a properly preserved Herbarium containing about 416 specimens belonging to ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. The Department is rich with modern equipment to carry on practicals prescribed by syllabus as well as for additional projects. the list of equipments include the following:
- Magnus Compound Microscopes
- Trinocular Microscope with camera and software
- Digital Balances
- Centrifuge
- Colorimeter
- -20℃ Fridge
- BOD Incubator
- Hot Air Oven
- Autoclave
- Gel Electrophoresis Unit
- UV Transilluminator
- pH Meter
- Laminar Air Flow
- Vortex
- Microtome
- Electric Bunsen Burner
- Spectrophotometer
- Haemocytometer, etc
- One of the oldest Biological Science departments in College.
- Funded by the BOOST Programme (Biotechnology based opportunities offered to science and technology departments) offered by the Biotechnology branch of Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal. Click here for Details
- Funded by DBT Star College Strengthening scheme, Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. This scheme facilitates strengthening of the academic and physical infrastructure in colleges to support ‘hands on’ experimental science at undergraduate level in basic science subjects. The scheme also acts as a catalyst in igniting young minds (faculty and students) to engage in networking, exposure visits to research institutes and industries and apply for research grants in order to prepare them for future challenges after the successful completion of their undergraduate courses. Click here for DBT-Star College Activities
- Excellent Infrastructure for Undergraduate course
- Six out of eight faculty members with Ph.D. and one pursuing Ph.D.
- Student Mentoring System to help them academically and in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
- Caters to the needs of
Slow Learners and Advanced learners. - Conducts Continuous Evaluation through Online MCQ, Class tests, Quizzes, Assignments, etc.
- Arranges curriculum based Field Visits for both the Honours and General students.
Best Practices
- Regular Student Seminars
- Individual Mentoring
- Regular Field Visits
- Review Projects
- Use of ICT tools
- Regular Assessments
- Additional Practicals
Programme Outcome (PO) of Botany Honours CBCS),University of Calcutta
Over the years, Botany has shown enormous gain in information and applications owing to tremendous inputs from research in all its aspects. With global recognition of the need for conservation, field plant biologists have contributed significantly in assessing plant diversity. Taxonomists have explored newer dimensions for the classification of plants. New insights have been gained in functional and structural aspects of plant development by utilizing novel tools and techniques for botanical research. Challenging areas of teaching and research have emerged in ecology and reproductive biology. Concern for ever increasing pollution and climate change is at its highest than ever before. Today plant science is a fusion of the traditional components with the modern aspects of biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology. Keeping these advancements in view, a revision of the curriculum at the undergraduate level is perfectly timed. The carefully-crafted course structure has taken care of different aspects of plant science, namely plant diversity, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, reproduction, anatomy, taxonomy, ecology, economic botany and the impact of the environment on the growth and development of plants. All these aspects have been given due weightage over the six semesters. It is essential for the undergraduate students to acquaint themselves with various tools and techniques for exploring the world of plants up to the sub- cellular level. A paper on this aspect is proposed to provide such an opportunity to the students before they engage themselves with the learning of modern tools and techniques in plant science. Keeping the employment entrepreneurship in mind, applied courses have also been introduced. These courses shall provide the botany students hands on experience and professional inputs. On the whole, the curriculum is a source of a lot of information and is supported by rich resource materials. It is believed that a student graduating in Botany with the new CBCS curriculum will be a complete botanist at Honours level.
Programme Specific Outcomes include
Knowledge and understanding of:
1. The range of plant diversity in terms of structure, function and environmental relationships. 2. The evaluation of plant diversity. 3. Plant classification and the flora of West Bengal. 4. The role of plants in the functioning of the global ecosystem. 5. A selection of more specialized, optional topics. 6. Statistics as applied to biological data
Intellectual skills – Able to:
1. Think logically and organize tasks into a structured form.2. Assimilate knowledge and ideas based on wide reading and through the internet. 3. Transfer of appropriate knowledge and methods from one topic to another within the subject. 4. Understand the evolving state of knowledge in a rapidly developing field. 5. Construct and test hypothesis. 6. Plan, conduct and write a report on an independent term project.
Practical skills:
Students learn to carry out practical work, in the field and in the laboratory, with minimal risk. They gain introductory experience in applying each of the following skills and gain greater proficiency in a selection of them depending on their choice of optional modules. 1. Interpreting plant morphology and anatomy. 2. Plant identification. 3. Vegetation analysis techniques. 4. A range of physiochemical analyses of plant materials in the context of plant physiology and
5. Analyze data using appropriate statistical methods and computer packages. 6. Plant pathology to be added for sharing of field and lab data obtained.
Transferable skills:
1. Use of IT (word-processing, use of internet, statistical packages and databases). 2. Communication of scientific ideas in writing and orally. 3. Ability to work as part of a team. 4. Ability to use library resources. 5. Time management. 6. Career planning.
Scientific Knowledge:
Apply the knowledge of basic science, life sciences and fundamental process of plants to study and analyze any plant form.
Problem analysis:
Identify the taxonomic position of plants, formulate the research literature, and analyze non reported plants with substantiated conclusions using first principles and methods of nomenclature and classification in Botany.
Design/development of solutions:
Design solutions from medicinal plants for health problems, disorders and disease of human beings and estimate the phytochemical content of plants which meet the specified needs to appropriate consideration for the public health
Conduct investigations of complex problems:
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and development of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage:
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern instruments and equipments for Biochemical estimation, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Plant Tissue culture experiments, cellular and physiological activities of plants with an understanding of the application and limitations.
The Botanist and society:
Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess plant diversity, its importance for society, health, safety, legal and environmental issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the biodiversity conservation practice.
Environment and sustainability:
Understand the impact of the plant diversity in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Apply ethical principles and commit to environmental ethics and responsibilities and norms of the biodiversity conservation.
Individual and team work:
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Life-long learning:
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Project management and finance:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
The broad aims of Botany Honours (CBCS),University of Calcutta are:
1. To provide an environment that ensures cognitive development of students in a holistic manner. A dialogue about plants and its significance is fostered in this framework, rather than didactic monologues on mere theoretical aspects
2. To provide the latest subject matter, both theoretical as well as practical, such a way to foster their core competency and discovery learning. A botany graduate as envisioned in this framework would be sufficiently competent in the field to undertake further discipline-specific studies, as well as to begin domain-related employment.
3. To enable the graduate prepare for national as well as international competitive examinations, especially UGC-CSIR NET and UPSC Civil Services Examination
4. To become a responsible citizen who is aware of most basic domain-independent knowledge, including critical thinking and communication and can utilize their knowledge for the benefit of the society.
Course Outcome of BOT-A-CC-1-1 (Phycology and Microbiology)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Develop understanding on the concept of microbial nutrition 2. Classify viruses based on their characteristics and structures 3. Develop critical understanding of plant diseases and their remediation. 4. Examine the general characteristics of bacteria and their cell reproduction/ recombination 5. Increase the awareness and appreciation of human friendly viruses, bacteria, algae and their economic importance 6. Conduct experiments using skills appropriate to subdivisions 7. Understanding of Algal classes based on their characteristics and structures 8. Develop knowledge about the importance and adverse effect of algae
Course Outcome of BOT A CC-1-2 (Mycology & Plant Pathology)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to 1. Identify true fungi and demonstrate the principles and application of plant pathology in the control of plant disease. 2. Know about the life cycle of each group of Fungi. 3. Know about a few types of diseases. 4. Demonstrate skills in laboratory, field and glasshouse work related to mycology and plant pathology. 5. Develop an understanding of microbes, fungi and lichens and appreciate their adaptive strategies 6. Identify the common plant diseases according to geographical locations and device control measures 7. Identify the common mycorrhizal fungi and their association with higher plants. 8. Develop an understanding on ecological and economic importance of lichens.
ourse Outcome of BOTA CC-2- 3(Plant Anatomy)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of concepts and fundamentals of plant anatomy 2. Examine the internal anatomy of plant systems and organs 3. Develop critical understanding on the evolution of the concept of organization of shoot and root apex. 4. Analyze the composition of different parts of plants and their relationships 5. Compare the different types of anomaly observed in secondary growth of plant 6. Evaluate the adaptive and protective systems of plants
Course Outcome of BOT-A-CC-2-4 (Archaegoniate)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of archegoniatae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms 2. Develop critical understanding on morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms 3. Understanding of plant evolution and their transition to land habitat. 4. Demonstrate proficiency in the experimental techniques and methods of appropriate analysis of Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms
Course Outcome of BOT A CC -3-5 (Palaeobotany and Palynology)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Develop knowledge and critical understanding of the geological time scale. 2. Develop understanding of different types of fossils, fossil nomenclature, fossil dating process and importance of fossil study. 3. To develop knowledge and understanding of the structure and geographical distribution of the fossil pteridophytes and its significance in evolution. 4. Develop knowledge and understanding of the structure and geographical distribution of the fossil gymnosperms and their significance in evolution 5. Develop critical understanding on the Indian Gondwana System. 6. Develop knowledge on structures of spores and pollens, different branches of Palynology and its applications.
Course Outcome of BOT A CC-3-6 (Reproductive biology of Angiosperms)
On completion of the course, students will:-
1. Be able to identify different morphological variations of the different floral parts- both primary and accessory, and inflorescences. 2. Be able to evaluate the different types of ovules and placentations in different types of plants. 3. Have the core knowledge of the developmental pathways of the formation of male and female gametophyte and the subsequent process of fertilization and embryo development post fertilization. 4. Be able to comprehend the identity of various reproductive parts of angiospermic plants and classify them accordingly. 5. Course Outcome of BOT A CC- 3-7 (Plant Systematics) 6. On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 7. Classify Plant systematics and recognize the importance of herbarium and Virtual herbarium 8. Evaluate the Important herbaria and botanical gardens 9. Interpret the rules of ICN in botanical nomenclature 10. Assess terms and concepts related to Phylogenetic Systematics 11. Generalize the characters of the families according to Bentham & Hooker’s system of classification.
Course Outcome of BOT A CC-4-8 (Plant Geography, Ecology and Evolution)
On completion of this course students will be able :-
1. To gain knowledge about the fundamentals of ecology and get an idea about ecotone and microclimate. 2. To assess the different levels of community structure in an ecosystem and the different types of plant succession on different substrates. 3. To understand the importance of phytoremediation in nature to restore fertility of soil. 4. To develop a core understanding of the concept of biodiversity also the types of conservation strategies, like ex-situ and in-situ conservation. 5. To know about the distribution of Phytogeographical regions of India and Knowledge about the dominant flora. 6. To understand the importance of endemism and its type. 7. To get a brief idea on selection,speciation and coevolution 8. To know about the phylogenetic tree and simplified phylogeny of different plant groups
Course Outcome of BOT A CC- 4 -9 (Economic Botany)
On completion of this Course students will be able
1. To develop.critical understanding on the evolution of new crops and importance of germplasm diversity 2. To know about the origin of cultivated crops and their domestication 3. To understand the core concepts of Economic Botany and relate with environment and communities 4. To increase the awareness and appreciate the diversity of plants and plant products usedin our everyday life 5. To get an idea about cultivation of some important crops both theoretically and by field visit 6. To know about the morphology,processing, uses and health hazards of some drug yielding plants and other crops having economic importance
Course Outcome of BOT A CC-4-10 (Genetics)
On completion of the course, students will :-
1. Have a sound concept of the Mendelian genetics, laws of inheritance, along with the extensions of the inheritance ratios that exist. 2. Be able to differentiate between the types of linkages, and solve analytical problems related to gene mapping of three point test cross. 3. Have a vivid understanding of the types of numerical and structural aberrations of chromosomes, also the effects of physical and chemical mutagens. 4. Be able to analyse the various effects of pollutants or pesticides on dividing cells causing different chromosomal abnormalities. 5. Develop practical skill of pretreatment and subsequent study of somatic chromosomal karyotype.
Course Outcomes of BOT A CC-5-11 (Cell and Molecular Biology)
On completion of the course, students will :-
1. Have an overall knowledge of Cell structure and function at molecular level. 2. Develop an idea about various concepts on the origin of life on earth, RNA world, how eukaryotes developed from prokaryotes, etc. 3. Be able to understand the detailed structure of nucleus, its components, how proteins and RNA molecules are transported selectively through the specialized pores present on nuclear envelope, molecular nature of nucleolus and its role in production of ribosomes. 4. Be able to relate how central dogma works for the cell and how it is regulated. 5. Have a vivid understanding of what is cell cycle and how cell cycle progression is regulated with preliminary ideas of apoptosis and cancer. 6. Develop knowledge on how recombinant DNA technology works, different types of restriction enzymes, vectors and markers used in the cloning process. 7. Have hands-on experience in studying cellular details with various cytogenetic and biochemical techniques.
Course Outcome of BOT-A-CC-5-12 (Biochemistry)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Develop understanding on chemical bonding among molecules 2. Identify the concept that explains chemical composition and structure of cell wall and membrane 3. Classify the enzymes and explain mechanism of action and structure 4. Compare the structure and function of cells & explain the development of cells 5. Describe the relationship between the structure and function of biomolecules
Course Outcome of BOT-A-CC-6-13 (Plant Physiology)
1. On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 2. Understand Water relation of plants with respect to various physiological processes. 3. Explain chemical properties and deficiency symptoms in plants 4. Classify aerobic and anaerobic respiration 5. Develop understanding on structure and basic knowledge of different plant growth regulators and their physiological roles. 6. Develop knowledge on photomorphogenesis 7. Assess dormancy and germination in plants
Course Outcome of BOT-A-CC-6-14 (Plant Metabolism)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Differentiate anabolic and catabolic pathways of metabolism 2. Develop detailed understanding on photosynthesis 3. Develop detailed understanding on respiration 4. Recognize the importance of Carbon assimilation in photorespiration 5. Explain the ATP-Synthesis 6. Interpret the Biological nitrogen fixation in metabolism 7. Develop critical understanding on signal transduction
Course Outcomes of BOT A SEC A-3-1 (Applied Phycology, Mycology and Microbiology)
On completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Develop and gain knowledge about the different biotechnological uses of algae 2. Know about the Industrial application of fungi. 3. Gain knowledge about the Pharmaceutical uses of fungi 4. Understand the role of microbes in agriculture and industrial products 5. Know about the use of microbes as biofertilizer,biopesticides and in mineral processing
Course Outcomes of BOT A SEC A-3-2 (Biofertilizers)
On the completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Develop their understanding on the concept of bio-fertilizer 2. Identify the different forms of biofertilizers and their uses 3. Compose the Green manuring and organic fertilizers 4. Develop the integrated management for better crop production by using both nitrogenous and phosphate bio fertilizers and vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM). 5. Interpret and explain the components, patterns, and processes of bacteria for growth in crop production
Course Outcomes of BOT A SEC B-4-3 (Plant Breeding)
On completion of the course, students will:-
1. Be able to gain knowledge on core concepts of plant breeding with its objectives and limitations of use. 2. Develop understanding of plant genetic resources and how they function. 3. Be able to classify the different modes of selection and techniques in various breeding programmes, including molecular breeding and their scope of usage in real time scenarios. 4. Have a panoramic idea on the genetic basis of heterosis, types of male sterility and effects of inbreeding
Course Outcome of BOT A SEC-B-4-4 (Mushroom Culture Technology)
1. On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 2. Recall various types and categories of mushrooms. 3. Demonstrate various types of mushroom cultivation technologies. 4. Examine various types of food technologies associated with the mushroom industry. 5. Value the economic factors associated with mushroom cultivation 6. Device new methods and strategies to contribute to mushroom production. 7. Know about the nutritional and medicinal values of mushrooms.
Course Outcome of BOT A DSE A -5-1(Biostatistics)
On completion of the course, students will 1. Gain a conceptual knowledge of all the statistical principles, their uses in various aspects of biological applications and its limitations too. 2. Develop understanding of the laws of probability and ways to implement them. 3. Develop the skill of calculating correlation coefficient values and F values from random samples. 4. Be able to determine the goodness of fit for a given population sample and infer regarding their inheritance nature, 5. Inculcate basic computing knowledge for statistical analysis of samples.
Course Outcome of BOT A DSE A-5-2 (Industrial and Environmental Microbiology)
On Completion of this Course students will be able
1. To get acquainted with broad theoretical and practical skills in Industrial and Environmental Microbiology. 2. To analyze the types of bioreactors and the process of fermentation 3. To understand the role of microbes in agriculture and industrial products 4. To develop skills on the bioremediation of contaminated soils 5. To examine the role of immobilized enzymes and microbial enzymes of industrial interest 6. To analyze microbiology of waste water and its implications
Course Outcome of BOT-A-DSE-A-6-3 (Medicinal and Ethnobotany)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Understand the importance of Pharmacognosy in modern medicine 2. Know about the major pharmacological groups of plant drugs and their uses 3. Get an idea about indigenous medicinal sciences 4. Recognize the basic medicinal plants and propose new strategies to enhance their growth 5. Conceptualize ethnobotany as an interdisciplinary science 6. Categorize various ethnic communities of India and their environmental practices 7. Get acquainted with some major pharmacologically active constituents and application of natural products to various human ailments
Course Outcome of BOT-A-DSE-A-6-4 (Stress Biology)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the different environmental factors responsible for plant stress. 2. Know about stress sensing mechanism in plants 3. Understand the developmental and physiological mechanisms that protect plants against environmental stress 4. Evaluate the importance of production and scavenging mechanism of reactive oxygen species 5. Get an idea about systemic acquired resistance in plants
Course outcome of BOTA-DSE-B-5-5 (Plant Biotechnology)
On the completion of the course the students will be able to
1. Understand the core concepts and fundamentals of Plant tissue culture, plant biotechnology and genetic engineering 2. Develop their competency on different types of plant tissue culture techniques 3. Understand the enzymes and vectors used for recombinant DNA technology 4. Develop understanding of gene cloning and evaluate different methods of gene transfer 5. Critically analyze the major concerns and applications of transgenic technology
Course Outcome of BOT-A-DSE-B-5-6 (Horticultural Practices and Post Harvest Technology)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the different classifications of horticultural crops, nursery management, and use of technology in horticulture. 2. Develop their competency on pre and post-harvest technology in horticultural crops 3. Examine the economic implications of cultivation of tropical and sub-tropical vegetable crop 4. Evaluate the importance of floriculture and contribution spices and condiments on economy 5. Reflect upon different Landscaping practices and garden design
Course Outcome of BOT-A-DSE-B-6-7 (Research Methodology)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Understand the concept of research and different types of research in the context of biology 2. Develop laboratory experiment related skills. 3. Develop competence on data collection and process of scientific documentation 4. Analyze the ethical aspects of research 5. Evaluate the different methods of scientific writing and reporting
Course Outcome of BOT-A-DSE-A-6-8 (Natural resource management)
At the end of the course the students will be able to 1. Understand the concept of different natural resources and their utilization. 2. Critically analyze the sustainable utilization land, water, forest and energy resources. 3. Evaluate the management strategies of different natural resources. 4. Reflect upon the different national and international efforts in resource management and their conservation
Programme Outcome of Botany General(CBCS)
The Botany General course is a combination of general and specialized education, simultaneously introducing the concepts of breadth and depth in learning. The main aim of this course is to produce competent plant biologists who can employ and implement their gained knowledge in basic and applied aspects that will influence the prevailing paradigm of agriculture, industry, healthcare and environment to provide sustainable development. The present curriculum will advance their knowledge and understanding of the subject and increase the ability of critical thinking, development of scientific attitude, handling of problems and generating solutions, improve practical skills, enhance communication skill, social interaction, increase awareness in environment related issues and recognize the ethical value system. The training provided to the students will make them competent enough for doing jobs in Govt. and private sectors of academia, research and industry.
The programme specific outcome includes:
· Understanding the nature and basic concepts of all the plant groups, their metabolism, components at the molecular level, biochemistry, taxonomy and ecology. · The course will make them aware of natural resources and the environment and the importance of conserving it. · Hands-on training in various fields will develop practical skills, handling equipment and laboratory use along with collection and interpretation of biological materials and data. · Knowledge gained through theoretical and lab based experiments will generate technical personnel in various priority areas such as genetics, cell and molecular biology, plant systematics and biotechnology.
The Botany General UG curriculum under University of Calcutta caters an all-round development of the student, rolling out globally ready individuals into the fast-paced world. This course will prepare the students for lifelong learning by drawing attention to the vast world of knowledge of plants which can be utilized for the benefit of mankind.
Course Outcome of BOTG-CC-1 (Plant Diversity- Phycology, Mycology, Phytopathology, bryophytes and Anatomy) On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Understand the fundamental concepts related to microbes, algae, fungi and Bryophytes 2. To know the role of algae in environment 3. Evaluate the significance of fungi and its different types. 4. Importance of lichen and mycorrhiza 5. Understand the fundamental concepts of plant anatomy. Analyze and recognize the different organs of plant and secondary growth 6. To gain knowledge about the different diseases in plants and their control.
Course Outcome of BOTG-CC-2 (Plant diversity II- Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Palaeobotany, Morphology and Taxonomy)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental concepts related to pteridophytes, gymnosperms, Palaeobotany, Morphology and Taxonomy. 2. Develop critical understanding on morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms 3. Understanding of plant evolution and their transition to land habitat. 4. Classify Plant systematics and recognize the importance of herbarium and Virtual herbarium 5. Evaluate the Important herbaria and botanical gardens 6. Interpret the rules of ICN in botanical nomenclature 7. Generalize the characters of the families according to Bentham & Hooker’s system of classification
Course Outcome of BOTG- CC-3 (Cell Biology, Genetics and Microbiology)
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Have a sound knowledge of the molecular organisation of chromosome, along with the structure of nuclear envelope and nuclear pore. 2. Differentiate between the types of linkages of genes and also get an overview of the gene mapping concept. 3. Understand about the various numerical and structural aberrations of chromosomes, as well as the effects of certain physical and chemical mutagens. 4. Integrate the entire pathway of genetic flow through the concept of Central Dogma. 5. Assess the different principles of genetic code. 6. Classify viruses based on their characteristics and structures 7. Examine the general characteristics of bacteria and their cell reproduction/ recombination 8. Increase the awareness and appreciation of human friendly viruses, bacteria and their economic importance
Course Outcome of BOTG-CC-4 (Plant Physiology and Metabolism)
On completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the structure and function of protein 2. Understand the transport process in plants 3. Develop knowledge on transpiration and its significance 4. Develop knowledge on photosynthesis and its significance 5. Develop knowledge on respiration and its significance 6. Interpret the biological nitrogen fixation in metabolism 7. Develop understanding on structure and basic knowledge of different plant growth regulators and their physiological roles. 8. Develop knowledge on photoperiodism 9. Develop knowledge on senescence
Course Outcome of BOT-G-SEC-A-3/5-1 (Plant breeding and Biometry)
On completion of the course, students will be able to:-
1. Understand the core concepts of plant breeding with its objectives. 2. Develop understanding of plant hybridization techniques and concepts of heterosis. 3. Classify the different modes of selection and techniques in various breeding programmes, including role of mutation, polyploidy, distant hybridization and role of biotechnology in crop improvement. 4. Have a panoramic idea on the basics of biometry and test of significance for biostatistical analysis.
Course Outcome of BOT-G-SEC-A-3/5-2 (Biofertilizers)
On the completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Develop their understanding on the concept of bio-fertilizer 2. Identify the different forms of biofertilizers and their uses 3. Compose the Green manuring and organic fertilizers 4. Develop the integrated management for better crop production by using both nitrogenous and phosphate bio fertilizers and vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM). 5. Interpret and explain the components, patterns, and processes of bacteria for growth in crop production
Course Outcome of BOT-G-SEC-B-4/6-3 (Plant Biotechnology)
On the completion of the course the students will be able to
1. Understand the core concepts and fundamentals of Plant tissue culture, plant biotechnology and genetic engineering. 2. Develop an idea on different types of plant tissue culture techniques 3. Gain knowledge about recombinant DNA technology and different enzymes and vectors used for the process. 4. Understand the idea of gene cloning technique. 5. Develop knowledge about the major achievements in crop biotechnology.
Course Outcome of BOT-G-SEC-B-4/6-4 (Mushroom culture technology)
On the completion of the course the students will be able to 1. Demonstrate various types of mushroom cultivation technologies. 2. Knowledge about the various types of food technologies associated with the mushroom industry. 3. Value the economic factors associated with mushroom cultivation 4. Device new methods and strategies to contribute to mushroom production. 5. Know about the nutritional and medicinal values of mushrooms.
1. Phytochemistry and Medicinal botany
1. On the completion of the course the students will be able to 2. Understand the history,scope of medicinal plants and importance of pharmacognosy in modern medicine 3. Know about the major pharmacological groups of plant drugs and their uses 4. Get a brief idea about indigenous medicinal sciences 5. Recognize the basic medicinal plants and propose new strategies to enhance their growth 6. Conceptualize ethnobotany as an interdisciplinary science 7. Get acquainted with organoleptic evaluation of crude drugs and folk medicine
2. Natural Resource Management
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Understand the concept of different natural resources and their utilization. 2. Critically analyze the sustainable utilization land, water, forest and energy resources. 3. Evaluate the management strategies of different natural resources. 4. Reflect upon the different national and international efforts in resource management and their conservation
3. Economic Botany
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand core concepts of Economic Botany and relate with environment, populations, communities, and ecosystems 2. Develop critical understanding on the evolution of concept of organization of apex new crops/varieties, importance of germplasm diversity, issues related to access and ownership 3. Develop a basic knowledge of taxonomic diversity and important families of useful plants 4. Increase the awareness and appreciation of plants & plant products encountered in everyday life 5. Appreciate the diversity of plants and the plant products in human use
4. Horticultural practices and post harvest technology
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of different types of horticultural practices for value addition 2. Visualize the post-harvest problems likely to be confronted 3. Know the tricks of the trade and how to increase the longevity of the produce 4. Reflect upon different Landscaping practices and garden design
Urgent Notice for Excursion on 18.05.22 Reporting Time 8 am in front of the College gate SEMESTER 6 Students have to carry 1. Aadhar Card original and a phpto copy 2. Measuring tape 3. Note book and pen 4. Cap 5. Water bottle SEMESTER 4 Students have to carry 1. Aadhar Card original and a phpto copy 2. 8 inches nail- 4 3. Nylon rope 4. Measuring tape 5. Note book and pen 6. Cap 7. Water bottle
Urgent Notice
A local Botanical Excursion, which is mandatory as per curriculum will be held in the next week. Students are directed to submit consent letter from the parents within 10.05.22 positively. Please mention whether you are veg or nonveg.
A survey link from NAAC may be sent to your registered e-mail ids. So all are requested to check the mail immediately and respond to that. Before responding you must try to understand the meaning of the questions of the survey. You can take help of your teachers in this regard.
A survey link from NAAC may be sent to your registered e-mail ids. So all are requested to check the mail immediately and respond to that. Before responding you must try to understand the meaning of the questions of the survey. You can take help of your teachers in this regard. Urgent Notice for Excursion on 18.05.22 Reporting Time 8 am in front of the College gate SEMESTER 6 Students have to carry 1. Aadhar Card original and a phpto copy 2. Measuring tape 3. Note book and pen 4. Cap 5. Water bottle SEMESTER 4 Students have to carry 1. Aadhar Card original and a phpto copy 2. 8 inches nail- 4 3. Nylon rope 4. Measuring tape 5. Note book and pen 6. Cap 7. Water bottle
Urgent Notice
A local Botanical Excursion, which is mandatory as per curriculum will be held in the next week. Students are directed to submit consent letter from the parents within 10.05.22 positively. Please mention whether you are veg or nonveg.
A survey link from NAAC may be sent to your registered e-mail ids. So all are requested to check the mail immediately and respond to that. Before responding you must try to understand the meaning of the questions of the survey. You can take help of your teachers in this regard.
Activities of the Department:
Regular seminars/ webinars (with speakers of national and international repute) are conducted by the department to inculcate interest and love for the subject among the students.
Motivational talks are arranged to encourage and inspire students and to boost the morale of students so that they strive for excellence in whichever field they choose to work upon.
Competitions are conducted to judge their presentation (on a topic of their choice from the curriculum) and public speaking skills.
Their creative talents are also recognized and appreciated by publishing wall magazines and e magazines at regular intervals.
Regular feedback are taken from students about teachers and the overall infrastructure of the department and college. These are considered with importance, stressing majorly on areas which according to their opinion requires upgradation and improvement.
Students are given access to a large number of books which are preserved with care in the seminar library.
Long and Local Botanical excursions as per the syllabus of the University.
Seminars/Workshops/Training Courses/Lectures Organized:
- Offline Departmental Student’s Seminar on 29-11-2022-Activity Report
- Offline Departmental Student’s Seminar on 16-08-2022- Activity Report
- Invited Lecture on ‘Proper field study and documentation: The principle aid in angiospermic plant identification’ by Dr. Subhasis Panda (WBSES, FIAT) on 29-12-2021 – YouTube Link
- Outreach International Webinar on “Developing soft skills at an early career stage leads to growth and success” on 13-07-2021 – YouTube Link
- Online self-paced course on ‘Cell Designer’ in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay from Feb 2021 to Sept 2021 – Activity Report
- Online self-paced course on ‘GIMP’ in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay from Feb 2021 to Sept 2021 – Activity Report
- Online Departmental Student’s Seminar on 5 July 2021 to 7 July 2021 – Activity Report
- Outreach Webinar on “Techniques for Estimating Nucleic Acids & Determination of Nucleolar Frequency” on 02-03-2021 – YouTube Link
- Invited Lecture on “Floral Induction and Development” by Dr. Tathagata Ray Chaudhuri, Associate Professor, Asutosh College, Kolkata on 22-02-2021 – YouTube Link
- Online Departmental Student’s Seminar on 12 th and 13 th July 2020 – Activity Report
- International webinar on ‘The tug-of-war between plant and pathogens: evolving concepts of plant defense and unresolved questions’ on 02-07-2020 – YouTube Link
- National Seminar on ‘Plant Sciences:A Two Day National Conference on Science and Technology:Rural Development’, ISCA, Kolkata chapter on 20.01.2020 & 21.01.2020. Activity Report
- Departmental Student’s Seminar on 01-10-2019- Activity Report
- Departmental Student’s Seminar on 05-10-2018- Activity Report
- Departmental Student’s Seminar on 15-09-2017- Activity Report
- Departmental Student’s Seminar on 01-10-2016 & 03-10-2016- Activity Report
Outreach Activities:
- Outreach International Webinar on “Developing soft skills at an early career stage leads to growth and success” on 13-07-2021 – YouTube Link
- Online Quiz organized for Awareness on World Environment Day 2021, 5-06-2021 – Activity Report
- Outreach Webinar on “Techniques for Estimating Nucleic Acids & Determination of Nucleolar Frequency” on 02-03-2021 – YouTube Link
- Tutorial video prepared by teachers and students for helping in transition from offline to online mode in Bengali language to reach en masse:
- How to use Zoom platform – YouTube Link
- How to use Jio Meet platform – YouTube Link
- How to upload study materials in college website – YouTube Link
Field Trips:
Table: List of Field Trips Conducted in the last 5 Years
Year of Visit |
Date of Visit |
Number of Students Participated |
Visit Details |
2016-17 |
4.11.2016 to 9.11.2016 |
32 |
Study and Collection of Plant Diversity (B.Sc Part-II-H) in North Bengal |
2016-17 |
7.2.2017. |
20 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Hons. Part-II) in Salt Lake and Adjoining Areas |
2016-17 |
31.3.2017 |
156 |
Visit to Central National Herbarium, Indian Botanical Garden (B.Sc Part II Hons,B.Sc Part II and III General) in Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden, Shibpur, Howrah |
2017-18 |
24.10.2017 |
22 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Hons. Part-II) in Salt Lake and Adjoining Area |
2017-18 |
1.11.2017-7.11.2017 |
20 |
Study and Collection of Bryophytes and Gymnosperms (Part-II Hons.) in South Sikkim |
2017-18 |
9.3.2018 |
176 |
Visit to Central National Herbarium, Indian Botanical Garden (B.Sc Part II Hons & General) in Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden, Shibpur, Howrah |
2017-18 |
13.3.2018 |
84 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc General Part-II) in Salt Lake and Adjoining Areas |
2017-18 |
28.3.2018 |
24 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Part-II Hons.) in Rajchandrapur and Adjoining Areas |
2018-19 |
6.9.2018 |
33 |
Study and Collection of Algae and Macro Fungi ( Bsc Hons Semester-I) in Khardaha and Adjoining areas |
2018-19 |
18.9.2018 |
10 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Hons Part-II) in Salt Lake and Adjoining Areas |
2018-19 |
10.10.2018 |
33 |
Study and Collection of Algae and Macro Fungi ( B.Sc Hons Semester-I) in DumDum and Adjoining Areas |
2018-19 |
29.1.2019 |
96 |
Visit to Central National Herbarium, Indian Botanical Garden (B.Sc Part II Hons & General) in Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden, Shibpur, Howrah |
2018-19 |
19.2.2019 |
10 |
Ecological Study of Angiosperms- Quadrat Method (2nd Year) in Patuli and Adjoining Areas |
2018-19 |
19.2.2019 |
113 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Part-II general & Sem II General) in Salt Lake and Adjoining Areas |
2018-19 |
7.3.2019 |
14 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Hons. Part-II) in Salt Lake and Adjoining Areas |
2019-20 |
2.9.2019 |
33 |
Study and collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Hons Semester-III) in Rabindra Sarobor and adjoining area |
2019-20 |
6.9.2019 |
31 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Hons Semester-III) in Salt Lake and Adjoining Areas |
2019-20 |
12.9.2019 |
53 |
(a)Study and Collection of Algae and Macro Fungi (B.Sc Hons Semester-I) & (b) Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Hons Semester-III) in Gourdaha and Adjoining Areas |
2019-20 |
17.9.2019 |
29 |
Visit to Central National Herbarium, Indian Botanical Garden (B.Sc Hons. Semester-III) in Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden, Shibpur, Howrah |
2019-20 |
21.9.2019 |
22 |
Study and Collection of Algae and Macro Fungi (B.Sc Hons. Semester-I) in Bandipur and Adjoining Areas |
2019-20 |
24.9.2019 |
21 |
Study of Local Plant Diversity (B.Sc Hons. Semester-I) in New Town and Adjoining Areas |
2019-20 |
24.9.2019 |
31 |
Study and Collection of Angiosperms (B.Sc Hons. Sem III) in New Town and Adjoining Areas |
2019-20 |
29.1.2020-4.2.2020 |
41 |
(a)Ecological study of Angiosperms- Quadrat Method (B.Sc. Hons Semester- IV) & (b) Study and Collection of Bryophytes and Gymnosperms (B.Sc. Hons Semester-II) in North Bengal |
2021-22 |
18.5.2022 |
43 |
Trip to Mini Sunderban(Sem IV & VI), Taki, West Bengal : Phytogeographical Study of Mangrove Vegetation |
2021-22 |
18.5.2022 |
43 |
Trip to Minakha, West Bengal:(SEM IV & VI) Study of Jute and Rice cultivation Ecological Study by Quadrate Method |
Inter-Disciplinary Activities
- Interdepartmental Practical Class on ‘Use of Haemocytometer to Count Blood Cells (RBC and WBC)’ arranged in collaboration with Dr. Sushanta Kumar Patra, Department of Physiology, Surendranath College on 21.09.2022 and 22.09.2022 for Semester V Botany Honours students.
- Awareness Webinar on "Role of IPR in Technology Transfer", Mahuya Hom Choudhury, Scientist C, Patent Information Centre, West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology, West Bengal. (Jointly organised by the Department of Botany, Chemistry, Physics & Zoology, under DBT-Star College Scheme, Govt. of India). Date: 28.01.2021 YouTube Link
- Two Day International Webinar on “COVID-19: Through the Eyes of Young Researchers” (Jointly organised by Department of Botany, Chemistry, Physics & Zoology, under DBT-Star College Scheme, Govt. of India).
- "Why Is COVID-19 So Different and Dangerous?", Amarshi Mukherjee, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Maryland, USA, Date – 03.07.2020 YouTube Link
- "Latest Update of COVID-19 Vaccine and the Susceptibility of Elderly People", Srijanee Das, Ph.D. Student, Department of Immunology Pathology and Infectious Diseases, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Nebraska, USA, Date – 04.07.2020 YouTube Link
- Online Mind Management Programme on “Vedantic Approach to Stress Management: A Motivational Webinar”, Swami Mahaprajnananda, Vice Principal (Offg.), Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math, West Bengal. (Jointly organised by Department of Botany, Chemistry, Physics & Zoology, under DBT-Star College Scheme, Govt. of India), Date: 27.06.2020 YouTube Link
- Online Faculty Enrichment Programme on “Tips & Tricks for Publishing in International Scientific Journals”, Akash Chakraborty, Associate Publishing Editor, Springer-Verlag, Germany. (Jointly organised by Department of Botany, Chemistry, Physics & Zoology, under DBT-Star College Scheme, Govt. of India), Date – 20.06.2020 YouTube Link
- Bharatbarsha Surjer Ek Nam, An interdepartmental cultural program on 74th Independence Day Celebration 2020 👉 Report of the Program YouTube Link
Departmental Publications with Students
- Five book chapters were published in the “Therapeutics: Key to Well Being”, ISBN: 978-0-6488798-4-8. Lincoln Research and Publishing Limited, Australia in collaboration with Lincoln University College, Malaysia
Link to Book:Therapeutics: Key to well being
Medicinal Properties of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers: A Review, Dr. Dipasree Roychowdhury
Some Traditional Medicinal Plants of West Bengal: A Short Review, Dr. Amit Saha
Ethnomedicinal Uses in West Bengal, India, Dr. Jayanta Sikdar
An Overview of the Properties and Pharmaceutical uses of Bioactive Compounds from Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), Dr. Suranjana Sarkar
A Synoptic Review on the Pharmacological Properties of Ocimum sanctum L., Sonali Ray.
- Three book chapters were published in the “Recent Advancement in Biological Sciences”, ISBN: 978-0-6488798-6-2. Lincoln Research and Publishing Limited, Australia in collaboration with Lincoln University College, Malaysia
Link to Book: Recent Advancement in Biological Sciences
An Updated Review on Pharmacological Properties of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), Dr. Dipasree Roychowdhury
Biotechnological Applications of Phototrophic Purple Non-sulfur Bacteria, Baishali Pandit
Ocimum sanctum L., Phytochemistry and Effect on Cancer Cells, Kousik Ghosh.
- Six book chapters were published in the “Sustainable Development: A Way Forward”, ISBN: 978-0-6488798-7-9. Lincoln Research and Publishing Limited, Australia in collaboration with Lincoln University College, Malaysia
Link to Book: Sustainable Development: A Way Forward
Economic Importance of Soil Microorganisms, Baishali Pandit.
Endangered Medicinal Plants of India: A Short Review, Dr. Amit Saha.
Emerging Pollutants (EPS): Water and Wastewater Pollutants: A Short Review, Dr. Jayanta Sikdar.
Antifungal Properties of Pteridophytes – An Overview, Dr. Suranjana Sarkar.
Explosive pollination mechanism in flowers of Hyptis (Lamiaceae), Sonali Ray
Importance of Bryophytes, Nilofer Khatoon.
Student Mentoring
Student Seminars
- Departmental Student’s Seminar on 01-10-2016 & 03-10-2016- Activity Report
- Departmental Student’s Seminar on 15-09-2017- Activity Report
- Departmental Student’s Seminar on 05-10-2018- Activity Report
- Departmental Student’s Seminar on 01-10-2019- Activity Report
- Online Departmental Student’s Seminar on 12 th and 13 th July 2020 – Activity Report
- Online Departmental Student’s Seminar on 5 July 2021 to 7 July 2021 – Activity Report
- Offline Departmental Student’s Seminar on 16-08-2022- Activity Report
- Offline Departmental Student’s Seminar on 29-11-2022- Activity Report
Student’s Magazine
- Student’s Wall Magazine ‘Trinokusum 1st Edition’ 2019
- Student’s E- Magazine ‘Trinokusum 2nd Edition’ 2020
- Student’s E- Magazine ‘Trinokusum 3rd Edition’ 2021
Review Projects
Table: List of Review projects done by students in 2020-21
Title of Project |
Name of Students |
Sem |
Mentor |
Explosive Pollination Mechanism in Flowers of Hyptis (Lamiaceae) |
Aratrika Singha Roy, Priyanka Hazra, Upasana Banerjee |
Sem 5 |
Dr. Sonali Ray |
A Synoptic Review on the Pharmacological Properties of Ocimum sanctum L. |
Sayantika Roy, Swadhin Murmu, Swagata Mondal |
Sem 3 |
Dr. Sonali Ray |
Biotechnological Applications of Phototrophic Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria |
Anannya Banerjee, Soumita Debnath, Trishita Mukherjee |
Sem5 |
Baishali Pandit |
Economic Importance of Soil Microorganisms |
Anam Shahid, Rohit Das |
Sem 3 |
Baishali Pandit |
Ocimum sanctum L., Phytochemistry And Effect on Cancer Cells |
Ranjan Shaw, Bidisha Sarkar, Rakesh Mondol, Purbasha Sadhukhan, MD. Ahmed Karim |
Sem5 |
Kousik Ghosh |
Ethnomedicinal Uses in West Bengal, India |
Pritha Manna, Nilufa Nasrin, Abontika Das |
Sem 5 |
Dr. Jayanta Sikdar |
Emerging Pollutants (EPS): Water and Wastewater Pollutants: A Short Review |
Riya Mondal, Ditiya Tapli |
Sem 3 |
Dr. Jayanta Sikdar |
An Overview of the Properties and Pharmaceutical uses of Bioactive Compounds from Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) |
Aritrika Sinha, Abhishek Das, Rishita Chakraborty |
Sem 5 |
Dr. Suranjana Sarkar |
Antifungal Properties of Pteridophytes – An Overview |
Deependu Kumar Ghosh, Pratyai Lahiri, Tiasa Mondal |
Sem 3 |
Dr. Suranjana Sarkar |
Medicinal Properties of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers: A Review |
Trina Bhattacharya, Riya Mondal, Rubia Khatoon, Rumi Kundu, |
Sem 5 |
Dr. Dipasree Roychowdhury |
An Updated Review on Pharmacological Properties of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) |
Mitali Paul, Sayan Kumar Saha, Ipshita Bhanja |
Sem 3 |
Dr. Dipasree Roychowdhury |
Some Traditional Medicinal Plants of West Bengal: A Short Review |
Anamika Biswas, AK Obaidulla Azmi, |
Sem 3 |
Dr. Amit Saha |
Endangered Medicinal Plants of India: A Short Review |
Prerna Das, Masuma Faiyaz, Puja Biswas, Koushik Biswas |
Sem 5 |
Dr. Amit Saha |
Importance of Bryophytes |
Oindrila Singha, Pritam Ghosh |
Sem 3 |
Dr. Nilofer Khatoon |
Students Awards

Certificate Courses
The college provides a range of certificate courses to choose from as given in the following link: Certificate Courses | Surendranath College
In collaboration with IIT, Bombay Spoken Tutorial, we provide the following self paced online courses free of cost for students.
To register the above courses, the departmental students can contact Dr. Dipasree Roychowdhury (
Student Scholarships
College aids students in accessing different types of scholarships funded by Government as well as freeship by the college. For financial support please visit the following link and contact the concerned person Student Counseling & Aid Fund | Surendranath College
To Register as Alumni : Google Form for Alumni Connect
Please join Our WhatsApp Group through link : 𝟏. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝟐. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭
List of Activities Conducted in Collaboration with Alumni
- Alumnus Prof. Sandip Mukhopadhyay, Ex-Head, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta delivered an online Outreach Webinar on “Techniques For Estimating Nucleic Acids & Determination of Nucleolar Frequency” on 02.03.2021 YouTube Link
- Alumnus Dr. Kankana Ghoshal, Laboratory Analyst , Canadian Food Inspection Agency , Former Lecturer, University of California Los Angeles Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, delivered an online lecture on ‘Developing Soft Skills at an Early Career Stage Leads to Growth and Success’ on 13.07.2021 YouTube Link
- Alumnus Prabir Kumar Bhaduri, Ex-HOD, Department of Botany, Surendranath College, judged Departmental Student’s Seminar held on 16.08.2022. Activity Report
- 6 Ex-students, presently pursuing M.Sc in Botany, Sports Biochemistry and Sports Nutrition from CU, interacted with current students during Departmental Student’s Seminar on 29.11.2022 . Activity Report
Some Noted Alumni