Innovation And Incubation Cell
Innovation is conversion of idea leading to improvement in way of doing things depending on availability of resources with guidance from those who are more experienced around us.
“Innovation & Incubation Cell of Surendranath College” is mainly designed to help realize ideas of entrepreneurial nature. It has been established to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Students.
The cell is thus envisaged to network people, ideas, experience and resources to motivate the innovation community in the college. This cell helps to nurture the students’ ideas and encourage them to bring up business proposals. It facilitate even in getting funds for the project and will also serve to provide the students a platform to excel in their specialized area of interest thus providing them with a career opportunity.
- To motivate students to bring out their hidden talents in various disciplines.
- To provide platform to realize and believe in themselves.
- To empower students to become young entrepreneurs and provide them a career opportunity.
- To create an innovative environment for the students to discover, develop, deploy and express their skills and talents.
- To motivate students to take part in Hackathons & prototype development, Technical Tutorials.
- To encourage students to carry out their hidden talents in various disciplines.