- The 3 year B.A. /B.Sc. / B.Mus. (Honours and General) Course of Studies under CBCS shall consist of Six (6) Semesters (Semester-I, Semester-II, Semester-III, Semester-IV, Semester-V and Semester-VI).
- End Semester Examinations are to be held ordinarily at the end of the concerned Semester, i.e., Semester-I, Semester-III, Semester-V in December-January and Semester-II, Semester-IV, Semester-VI in June-July.
- End Semester Examinations will be held for 80% of the total marks in each paper and Internal Assessment shall be for 20% of the total marks of each paper/subject/module. 50% of the total marks assigned to Internal Assessment (i.e., 10 marks for a full paper of 100 or 5 marks for a Module of 50, as the case may be) will be assessed on the basis of Internal Examination and remaining 50% will be assessed based on the class attendance (6 marks for attending 60% or above but less than 75% of the number of lectures delivered; 8 marks for attending 75% or above but less than 90% of the number of lectures delivered; and 10 marks for attending 90% or above of lectures delivered and such attendance will be calculated from the date of commencement of classes or date of admission whichever is later). The students are to be informed about the modalities of internal assessment well in advance.
- End of Semester Examinations Duration
Subjects |
Marks |
Duration |
Theoretical papers (other than AECC) |
100/50 |
4/2 hours |
Theoretical papers (other than AECC) |
65-80 |
3 hours |
Practical papers/Tutorial |
Up to 30 |
3 hours maximum |
Practical papers/Tutorial |
Above 30 |
5 hours maximum |
AECC-1 (Com. Eng. /MIL) (MCQ pattern) |
80 |
2 hours |
AECC-2 (Env. Studies) Theoretical paper (MCQ pattern) |
50 |
1 hour 30 minutes |
Actual duration of the Practical examination to be determined by the concerned Board of Studies and duly approved by the appropriate authorities.
- Question papers shall be set in English version only for the Honours papers of the following subjects.
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Computer Science, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Anthropology, Electronics, Statistics, Geology, Molecular Biology, Food, Nutrition, Geography and Psychology.
- Medium of Answer For examinations in subjects other than language-based ones candidates shall have the option of writing their answers in either Bengali or English unless instructed otherwise in respective question paper(s). For examinations in language-based subjects (e.g., Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, English etc.) candidates shall have to write their answers in the respective language only.
- An Examination Shall be held always under the current syllabus First semester classes for B.A. /B.Sc. / B.Mus. courses of studies shall commence ordinarily within thirty days from the date of publication of results of the H.S. Examination of the year conducted by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. Classes for second semester to sixth semester shall commence ordinarily within seven days from the date of completion of lower semester examination of the year respectively (e.g. class of 2nd semester shall commence within seven days from the completion of 1st semester examination)
- An affiliated College/Institution shall submit application forms in prescribed format duly filled in by the candidates intending to appear at the said examination(s) to the Controller ofExaminations within the last date fixed by the University. Admit Card for an examination shall not be issued to the college concerned in favour of a candidate unless his/her application is duly filled-up in all respects and particularly in regard to : i) date of admission to the first semester class with current subject combination, ii) year of first appearance in the examination of the semester concerned and iii) year(s) of appearance (s) in the semester-I/semester-II/ and semester -III / semester-IV/ semester – V/ semester-VI Examinations as the case may be together with the results thereof and such other information as may be required from time to time and duly endorsed by the Principal testifying his/her a) good conduct, b) requisite attendance record in theoretical and practical/tutorial classes in each of the subjects in which he/she intends to appear and c)eligibility under this regulations for appearance at the concerned examination and in the said subject(s).
- A candidate pursuing Honours Course of Study has to secure 30% marks (excluding the marks in Internal Assessment) separately in Theory and Practical/Tutorial part of each paper, wherever applicable, at the End Semester Examinations, and a minimum of 30% marks in each paper (including marks in Internal Assessment) in order to earn the corresponding credit of the concerned paper and a minimum of CGPA 4.000 (including Internal Assessment) taking all the papers of all the Semesters as a whole, i.e., all CC, DSE, SEC, GE & AECC papers, in order to get the Honours Degree.
- If a candidate pursuing Honours Course of Study secures 30% marks (excluding the marks in Internal Assessment) separately in Theory and Practical/Tutorial part of each paper, wherever applicable, at the End Semester Examinations, and a minimum of 30% marks in each paper (including Internal Assessment), but fails to secure a minimum of CGPA 4.000 (including Internal Assessment) taking all the papers of all the Semesters as a whole, i.e., all CC, DSE, SEC, GE & AECC papers, in order to get the Honours Degree.
- GE & AECC papers, will get the General Degree. However, such candidate may re-appear at the 5th End Semester Examinations or 6th End Semester Examinations or both, when such examinations will be held next, within the stipulated period of five years in order to get a minimum of CGPA 4.000 and get the Honours Degree. In case, such examinee fails to obtain a minimum of CGPA 4.000, the previous status based on previous aggregate will be retained and such candidate will not be declared as having obtained General Degree again.
- A candidate pursuing General Course of Study has to secure 30% marks (excluding the marks in Internal Assessment) separately in Theory and Practical/Tutorial part of each paper, wherever applicable, at the End Semester Examinations and a minimum of 30% marks in each paper (including marks in Internal Assessment) in order to earn the corresponding credit of the concerned paper and to get the General Degree.
- A candidate who is eligible to appear at any of the End Semester Examinations does not enroll or does not appear at the examinations or fails to secure pass marks in the paper(s) at the concerned examinations, as stated in Clauses 19.1, 19.2, 19.3 above, as well as a candidate not eligible to appear at the end semester examination, as stated in Clause 6, will be allowed to attend the classes in the next higher semester, as applicable.
- Internal Assessment has to be done in the semester in which a candidate becomes eligible to appear in the concerned End Semester Examination. The candidates remaining absent in the internal examination will be awarded zero (0) marks. Marks obtained in Internal Assessment (i.e., marks for attendance and marks of internal examination taken together) shall be retained for the entire duration of his/her enrolment.
- If a candidate secures pass marks in Practical Paper(s)/ Module(s)/ Project Work/ Tutorial but fails to secure pass marks in Theoretical paper(s)/ module, the marks of Practical Paper(s)/ Module(s)/ Project Work/ Tutorial along with Internal Assessment shall be retained.
- A candidate may appear at any higher End Semester Examination without appearing at lower End Semester Examinations subject to Clause 6.
- A candidate may continue his/her course of study for the next higher Semester without appearing at the lower End Semester Examinations subject to Clause 6.
- A candidate who fails to secure pass marks (as stated in Clauses 19.1, 19.2, 19.3 above) in one or more papers of a semester may appear in those paper(s) when the concerned End Semester Examinations will be held next.
- Re-Examination/review is applicable only for Theoretical papers of different End Semester Examinations of 3 year B.A./B.Sc./B.Mus. Course of Studies. Re-examination/ review is not permissible for Internal Assessment, Practical & Tutorial Examinations and Project Work.
- A candidate will be eligible to re-examine/review his/her script if he/she appears at the concerned Semester examination as a whole.
- A student shall be allowed to apply for re-examination/ review of not more than 2(two) Theoretical papers/modules in each semester i.e. CC, DSE, SEC and GE for Honours Courses and CC, DSE, SEC and GE (wherever applicable) for General Courses, taken together, provided that he/she has scored qualifying marks, i.e., 30% in the remaining papers of that Semester.
- . In re-examination of papers for any End Semester Examinations of 3 year B.A./B.Sc./B.Mus. Courses, then marks awarded by the re-examiner in a paper will be taken as the marks obtained by the candidate in that paper. If on re-examination/review of a paper, the marks get enhanced by more than 15% or get reduced by more than by 5% than that awarded by the original examiner (the percentage is to be calculated on the basis of the full marks in that
paper), the script of the paper shall be referred to a third examiner. Among the marks awarded by three examiners, i.e., original examiner, second examiner (re-examiner) and the third examiner, the average of the two closer marks obtained will be awarded, provided that such a final award does not result in lowering of the grade point obtained by the candidate prior to re-examination/review in which cases the original award be retained.
- Cancellation Of Examination
Candidate may apply through the Principal for cancellation of enrollment of the concerned end semester examination within fifteen working days from the date of completion of theory papers of the said examinations. Such option for cancellation of examination once exercised cannot be revoked.
A candidate who fails to obtain pass mark in any paper(s) in any semester for shortage of one mark shall be awarded one grace mark in such paper(s).
- If a candidate pursuing Honours Course of Study clears all the papers and secures a minimum of CGPA 4.000 will be declared as obtaining B.A./B.Sc./B.Mus. (Honours) Degree with his/her CGPA and corresponding Letter Grade (C+, B, B+, A, A+ or A++).
- If a candidate pursuing Honours Course of Study clears all the papers and secures a minimum of CGPA 3.000 but less than 4.000 will be declared as obtaining B.A./B.Sc./B.Mus (General) Degree with his/her CGPA and corresponding Letter Grade (C).
- If a candidate pursuing General Course of Study clears all the papers and secures a minimum of CGPA 3.000 will be declared as obtaining B.A./B.Sc./B.Mus (General) Degree with his/her CGPA and corresponding Letter Grade(C, C+, B, B+, A, A+ or A++).
- A candidate, after successful completion of a three-year degree course B.A. / B.Sc. /B.Mus.
(Honours/General) shall not be entitled to seek admission in any of the said courses of this University.
- Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) And Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA)A 10-point grading system shall be followed for the purpose of Grade Point Calculation, as shown below.
≥ 90% to 100% A++ 9.0 – 10 |
≥ 80% but < 90% A+ 8.0 – 8.9 |
≥ 70% but < 80% A 7.0 – 7.9 |
≥ 60% but < 70% B+ 6.0 – 6.9 |
≥ 50% but < 60% B 5.0 – 5.9 |
≥ 40% but < 50% C+ 4.0 – 4.9 |
≥ 30% but < 40% C 3.0 – 3.9 |
< 30% F 0 |
Absent Ab 0 |
i) Numerical Grade Point shall not be calculated in respect of a failed paper
ii) The multiplicative factors shall be 0.10 for all Grades for the purpose of calculating numerical Grade Point. Example If the student secures P%, where P = 30 his/her grade point will be
[3.0 + {(P – 30) × 0.1}] or simply 30 × 0.10 = 3
If a student scores 52% in a particular paper, his/her grade point for the paper will be
(3.00 + 0.1 × 22) = 5.20 or simply, 52 × 0.10 = 5.2
- Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)
The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) will be the weighted average of the numerical grade points obtained in all the papers of the given semester, where Weights refer to the Credits assigned to the concerned papers. If the Numerical Grade Points obtained by a student in different papers of a Semester are denoted by Pi and the credit of the corresponding papers are denoted by Ci , the SGPA will be [S(Pi × Ci)/ SCi] where i=1 to n, and n= no. of papers in the Semester. The SGPA shall be shown in the mark sheet up to the third decimal point.
- Cumulative Grade Point Average (SGPA)
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) over six semesters shall be the weighted average of the six SGPAs.
CGPA =(S(SGPAj × Cj) / S Cj) where j = 1 to 6. CGPA shall be calculated and shown up to three decimal places. SGPAj is the SGPA of the jth Semester (j=1 to 6) and Cj is the total credit of jth Semester used for Grade Point Calculation.
CGPA Letter Grade Remarks
9.000 – 10.000 A++ Outstanding |
8.000 – 8.999 A+ Excellent |
7.000 – 7.999 A Very Good |
6.000 – 6.999 B+ Good |
5.000 – 5.999 B Average |
4.000 – 4.999 C+ Fair |
3.000 – 3.999 C Satisfactory |
0.000 – 2.999 F Fail |
Both SGPA and CGPA will be rounded off to the third place of the decimal and will be shown as such on the grade sheet. The grade sheet issued at the end of each semester shall include the total marks obtained in each paper / module as well as the SGPA, the total marks obtained in that semester and the credit earned in the semester concerned. The final grade sheet, on completion of six semesters, shall include the SGPA of six semesters, CGPA, Letter Grade, the marks obtained, total marks and the total Credits earned.