Re-examination of answer scripts of B.A/B.Sc./B.Com. Part-II Honours &General (Under 1+1+1 system) Examination,2016
Dated : 05th January,2017
This is to inform of all successful and unsuccessful candidates those who appeared at the B.A/B.Sc./B.Com. Part-II Honours and General (Under 1+1+1 system) Examination,2016 from this College may apply (along with Mobile No.) in plain paper for re-examination of their answer scripts mentioning their subject and paper along with a copy of mark-sheet addressed to the Principal, Surendranath College.
A candidate may apply maximum two papers of 100marks for the re-examination provided that he/she has secured at least 35% marks in the remaining papers/portion of papers of all subjects taken together.
It may be noted that prescribed fees for re-examination are as follows :
Rs.110/- for one Paper and Rs.210/- for two Paper
- Photo copy of Registration Certificates (Without attestation)
- Two Photo copies of Mark-sheet (Without attestation)
- Photo copy of Admit Card(Without attestation)
- Photocopy of pay slip
B.A/B.Sc./B.Com. Part-II (Honours and General) —–09.01.2017, 10.01.2017, 11.01.2017
Surendranath College